The Refugee Support Group Heideruh
Before the Heideruh-Team and management decided to turn a part of Heideruh into a refugee accommodation for nine people, they wanted to make sure that there’s a group of people supporting not only this idea, but also those who seek refuge.
At that point the Refugee Support Group Heideruh was established. Heideruh didn’t want to be just a regular refugee accommodation. The Support Group was there from the beginning and is still actively supporting the residents of the nine rooms.
Our Voluntary Work
The Support Group undertakes various kinds of tasks. We teach German, call doctors for appointments, open bank accounts, accompany the asylum process, give juristic help, go to the employment agency and much more. But through the years we also expanded our field of action. Every few months we are organizing information events for refugees from Buchholz and the surrounding villages and their supporters. We inform about different topics, for example tightenings of the asylum law, traumatization or the political system in Germany. Our events are always translated into different languages (arabic, english, french,..) so that every visitor will be able to benefit from it. From 2016 on, the group is also organizing the „Refugee Festival“ once a year. We wanted to create a beautiful day with various kinds of activities, nice music and delicious selfmade food.
We still continue our work and meet once in a week in order to arrange duties and organize our events. If you are interested in participating, feel free to contact us!